Su Dog 300

Please join us in celebrating the return of a 300 mile sled dog race to the Upper Susitna Valley, the Su Dog 300! The Susitna Valley is home to the beginning of the Iditarod trail and countless sled dog kennels, this area is a hub for mushing and keeping the history of Alaska’s sled dogs relevant in a modern world. The Su Dog 300 is focused on creating a fun and educational event for dogs, dog mushers, and fans alike to experience the beauty of this area and the magic of sled dogs in their element.


In order to promote cooperation between mushers, mentorship, and fun, the Su Dog 300 is foregoing a cash purse and instead will have various prizes and gift cards for finishers to choose from. Removing the cash prize from the equation will hopefully promote good dog stewardship, teaching moments between experienced and new mushers, and allow for a more traditional pace of enjoying time with your dog team and the landscape around you. Additionally, the starting line party and closing ceremonies will be a time for fans, volunteers and mushers to come together as a community to celebrate how special this bond we get to share with sled dogs truly is.

The Su Dog 300 is a non-profit 501c3 organization. All entry fees will go towards purchasing race materials (flagging, stakes, straw, support items for volunteers), reimbursing fuel for trail crews, and purchasing gift cards and prizes for the Closing Ceremonies. The Su Dog 300 is an Iditarod qualifier.

Mushing is at the heart of Alaska’s history, allowing the Alaskans before us to travel and survive in the often harsh Alaskan winter. Modern technologies have replaced the use of dog teams in many areas, but modern mushing in the form of racing has by-and-large assisted in keeping sled dogs relevant in the modern era. However, a sled dog race is only possible with the help of volunteers! Volunteer involvement in the race allows fans to learn more about the sport and its history in the Upper Susitna valley. Volunteering is also a great way to bridge the gap between the mushers and non-mushing members of our community. One of the goals of the Su Dog is to bring people together to celebrate the sled dog, whether you’re standing on the sled or guiding dog teams to their parking spot at the checkpoint. The more we can get our community involved in our local races, the more we can keep that history alive!

The start of the inaugural Su Dog 300 is scheduled for

Saturday, January 25th, 2025 at 2pm

The founders of the Su Dog 300 want to extend a warm thank you to everyone interested in being a part of this event. We would love to see the Su Dog 300 become the flagship race of the Upper Su valley, but it takes a solid community to have this event succeed and continue for years to come. Please join us in celebrating mushing in our valley and please consider volunteering, signing up to mush, or sponsoring!

Join our poster design contest!

The Su Dog is a non-profit organization and we are rallying funds to put on a brand new race in the Susitna valley. There are so many wonderful artists in our community, we would love to have an Alaskan artist design the Su Dog 300 Inaugural Poster. If you or any artists you know might be interested in submitting a design for our poster contest, please enter below. We will display the submissions and have a community vote for the winning logo in October!

Check the trackers and follow the mushers in real time as they progress through the race route:

follow us on facebook and instagram